
My first college-ruled spiral notebook of blue ballpoint verses is filled, and I would like to share these works with anyone and everyone! I’ve written poetry sporadically over the years since I was a kid but never thought much of it. Truth be told, I don’t even read much poetry [gasp]. For the past several months, however, I haven’t been able to stop poet-izing (I’m a “poet” now, I’m going to use that license liberally).

I plan to share my poems along with some of their backstories, maybe even an essay or two. And pictures! (well, we’ll see how techno-savvy I can become). My themes revolve around your basics: love, heartbreak, family, depression/anxiety, human nature, and how awesome I am (just kidding about the latter!! kind of…).

If one person finds one line in one poem that connects to his or her being, I will be truly honored and humbled.

Welcome to the violet zoo.