el opuesto

“Pain tells us that we can embody its opposite.”

The deeper the pain, the greater capacity we have for joy. I really hope that’s true.

–the violet zoo


“Survival. Everything shaped to kill. I understand.”

Riding around in the desert cracks me up because every plant, no matter how beautiful, is shaped to fuck you up if you mess with it. And I understand. Love freely, but don’t let the assholes suck the life outta you.

–the violet zoo


“Limitation gives me total focus. Sets me free.”

This is not an original theory/sentiment/practice so I worked it into a Spanish haiku so that there was some original effort on my part, haha. Setting limits is a technique used to stimulate creativity in art of all forms/genres and for me the “limitation” of poetry unleashed my soul, and I constantly set little limits to my writing (like Spanish haikus) to keep things fresh. It also applies to my life in general–freedom paralyzes me; limitation generates action.

–the violet zoo


Starting/stopping antidepressants can result in a lot of side effects, most of which are no big deal. Apathy is a scary one, however, and I’m glad it wore off after the first few weeks of starting again. Talk about not giving a fuck in the worst way…

–the violet zoo

los cardos

“Reality. Who knows the truth? Only the thistles.”

I have so many different reasons/meanings/interpretations for this piece…and I won’t muddy the water by explaining any of them. Interpret as you see fit.

–the violet zoo