poem 2

I’m not yet sure how to title these posts as I don’t give titles to my poems…”poem 2″ doesn’t have quite the panache I was after, haha. I’ll find my groove soon.

I’d like to ease you gently into my psyche with a couple of poems over the next couple of posts that are a little “lighter” in nature before, you know, things get REAL. The one that follows describes a moment in time that I wrote about immediately when I got home after it occurred, and which still makes me smile when I think about it.

I was driving home from work on the freeway one afternoon this past August and I glanced into the carpool lane. I felt the need to do a double take and, me being me, was fully prepared to give the stink-eye through my matronly sunglasses at the person I felt watching me. It was a tween/teen girl. I’m pretty sure we’d be friends, and I hope she rules the world one day:


We looked at each other
car to car
front seat to back.

But I didn’t recognize
til my second glance
that I knew you
and you knew me.
We just did.

You should have looked away
or shared your scorn,
that’s your age.

But your eyes smiled
right into mine
and my lips did the same.

It was a perfect moment.
I wish you well.
Don’t let your thoughts
keep you from living.

*words to my younger self

–the violet zoo

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