so I keep playing

I cannot figure out what is wrong with this poem. Like the last one, I change something every time I read it. I keep coming back to it because I like certain pieces, but the rhythm…the style…something is not right. But I want to post it, and maybe when I figure it out I’ll post it again. The message, however, is spot on.

I’m finally learning the game
that I never wanted to play.
You make all the rules.
You make all the moves.
You’ve done this before.
You know what you’re doing.

There’s a sweet spot of time.
Too soon and I’m confident,
too long and I give up.

So I keep playing.
You know what you’re doing.

There’s a sweet spot of attention.
Too much and I have worth,
too little and I am no one.

So I keep playing.
You know what you’re doing.

Fuck you.

*fuck you

–the violet zoo